Dye Penetrant Testing
The excess penetrant is then removed and a developer applied to draw out the entrant from cracks, to enable a visual inspection of any defects. Accurate interpretation is achieved by our seasoned NDT qualified Penetrant Testing Inspectors, Dye Penetrant Inspection can be used on almost any non-porous material.
The types of defects that can be found with penetrant testing are:
- Rolled Products: Penetrant identifies anomalies (cracks, seams or laminations)
- Castings: cold shuts, hot tears, porosity, blowholes, or shrinkage.
- Forgings: Illuminating cracks, laps, or external bursts.
- Welds: To identify cracks, porosity, undercut, overlap, lack of fusion, or lack of penetration.
We have available more than 45 NDT technicians qualified to SNT Level II in Penetrant Testing (PT) in compliance with SNT-TC-1A. As a minimum, all JCI penetrant testing inspection engineers have more than one NDT qualification.
JC International provides World Class specialist Asset Integrity Assurance & Training services throughout the Asset life-cycle
JC International provides World Class specialist Asset Integrity Assurance & Training services throughout the Asset life-cycle